
In 2019 I traveled across Ukraine, from Kiev to Odessa on the Dnieper River by boat with my family. The impetus behind this trip had much to do with Igor Vichnevsky— whose family was originally from the region and at 80 years old he had never visited in his life. This is a photo-essay of our trip.


When walking the Potemkin steps...

in Odessa - Igor Vichnevsky zigged and zagged up the stairs in an attempt to possibly step in a place his father may have stepped a lifetime ago. Having lost his father at a very young age, he only had his imagination and stories from his mother about what a life in Ukraine may have been like for his father. As I observed this moment I was struck by the desire that many find to gain an understanding of what came before us. And I was left with the question - How much of my own path was set forth by those that came before me?


In The Shadow Of The Valley


Photo Illustrations